El Firecaster

Fire from Within

An offering to the 52WOCC gods…Tangerine

Posted By on April 30, 2011 in 52 weeks of color, All | 6 comments

Well……here it is week 26….and the color is Tangerine. As previously mentioned, my being out of town put me 3 weeks behind on the 52 WOCC….and I am still catching up.

As I was going about my way in the States I would tell V that I would take care of…(insert current week here)….and he would say “Ok…but I get to do the next one.” And I would agree thinking that by the time I got home he would have completely forgotten all about it. And then of course…another week would pass by and once again I would volunteer to do some little something or other on that color….and he would again say….“Ok…but I get to do the next one.” And I would smile and nod. But then the day came that I actually came home….and Asparagus passed….Eggplant went….Perwinkle winkled…and Tangerine was the color of the week….and here he was…wanting me to make good on the promise. Oh my!

I always get a little antsy when V takes control of my avie. I am not sure why….I have never been disappointed in anything he has done, but there is just something about handing your avie over…heart and soul….that is a little scary. He waited til I was thoroughly in the throes of jet lag to hit me with it. I was prepared to put something orange together and “sit there” in whatever pose he came up with, grateful that I did not have to do everything…as the jet lag truly was the “bane of my existence” for almost a week. But no…that was not good enough for him this time. He had had 3 weeks to sit and ponder his next move…and there was no getting around it. I was going to have to “offer El up” to the 52WOCC gods and PRAY that she came back in one piece!

When I was about 10 years old I gave up my beautiful pink Barbie car to my 5 year old nephew…at my mother’s insistence, KNOWING that he was going to break it. “NOOOOO, noooo, he would NEVER break it!” my mother said shaking her head, as my nephew nodded in agreement….all the while smiling at me with a devilish grin! Let’s just say that the UGLY tape that my mother used to tape the windshield back together was a constant reminder of my MOTHER’S misplaced trust! And here I was—-about to hand over not the car….but my most revered treasure!!!! Barbie herself!

“Others do pictures. REAL men do videos.” OMG…it was not to be a picture…not something that I could photoshop out. Not something that could be cropped or manipulated. Nothing that could be spun….or reworked….omg…a VIDEO! I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as I acknowledged that I HAD agreed to let him do “whatever” he wanted when all those weeks of color where piling up on me. But this??

I tried just to close my eyes and ears as I heard him working in the background. He had turned on some really good music and I was grateful that at LEAST he had “good vibes” to work with. And so he set about creating a Tangerine that I would have never thought of…and I must admit, when all was said and done….I was REALLLLLLY pleased with it. He was right…as usual. And he was…and is….AMAZING….as usual. He turned El back to me, a little out of breath, but other than that none the worse for wear.



Thank you, love…for ALWAYS taking good care of me….in any world. I hope you all enjoy the video! I will sprinkle in Eggplant and Perwinkle in here sometime in the next week or so….and until then…please….be challenged!


(BTW…V says I just HAD to make this overly dramatic…and as far as he remembered I was SNORING as he made the video! Whatever! <giggles and rolls her eyes>)


  1. Mayala Loon April 30, 2011

    Very cool clip 😉
    I’m a big fan of machinimas … and your V did a great job 😉
    Guess you never have to worry if you hand yourself over to him 😉

    • El April 30, 2011

      Thanks Mayala! Yes…he did a wonderful job. I was glad to get my “barbie car” back unscathed…LOL Your video was really cool too! I had never heard of the band…having been raised in a VERY sheltered home in the States…but V knew right away who they were! There is such a BIG world out here…LOL Thanks for taking a look at our little piece of it!…:)

  2. Sophee Mojo April 30, 2011

    OMG, he did a great job! Wonderful video!

    • El April 30, 2011

      Thanks Sophee. V is so super talented there is no telling what he will come up with. He amazes me daily! Thanks for taking a look!

  3. Ayako Firecaster May 2, 2011

    Holy freaking fabulousness! I love it El! Your man did a good job <3

    • El May 2, 2011

      Yeah…he is pretty cool to have around….wait til you see his take on Olive….oh my…LOL


  1. White Dress | OpenSim Creations - [...] dress was featured in the TGIB entry for Tangerine on the 52 weeks of colour challenge. Please see the …

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