El Firecaster

Fire from Within

Week 16 – Teal

Posted By on February 20, 2011 in 52 weeks of color, All | 8 comments

Teal is one of those color that can be particularly hard for a color blind girl like me to dechiper. Throw in just the right amount of blue and/or green and an iridescent sheen and BAM….you have grey! It is something I have struggled with since childhood and have learned to always ASK when in doubt!

I had already put a combination together that I THOUGHT was teal…and was happy with it…had already taken a few pictures…when I stumbled into the shop of Eshi Otawara. I was merrily salivating over all her creations when I realized that Vanish was listening to me when he asked “What was your color challenge for this week?” I think I mumbled the word “Tealllllll”….as none other than Eshi magically appeared in her store looking like a freshly picked flower off of a lily pad! I think I was staring at her and watching all the pretty colors move to and fro when a pop up box came onto my screen. I vaguely took my gaze away from her long enough to TRY to read it…and still unsure of what it really said, I clicked “keep” and thought I would read it later. Then suddenly another box popped up saying “Vanish Firecaster has just bought this for you from SL Market place.” And then I slapped myself out of my stupor and payed attention! And what to my wondering eyes should appear? A gown by Eshi Otwara….in red/teal. And what can I say? If Eshi says it is teal….then it is teal, right?

The gown is a lovely number. When you wear it, you feel almost like a mermaid or sea creature surrounded by a MASS of red fish in beautiful teal algae. And they follow you whever you go! The gown also has an optional bubble emitter that you can wear for added effect!

I had no idea what skin I was going to pair with this lovely creation and I started going through some of the stuff I had picked up thru my last journey of bargain hunting and found a beautiful skin by Garded Secret. The colors were different than any I had and when I put it on I felt “exotic”! And it just seemed to be exactly what I was looking for to take on such a beautiful gown.

Wanting just the right hair to keep in theme with my “Exotic Sea Creature” look I happened upon this little one sided bob by Truth (thank you Truth for providing this to all of us!)…and what girl does not love Truth?

I knew I would not want too much jewelry…just one or two “showcase” pieces maybe…simple but stunning…and my mind remembered an ad I had seen at Finesmith Designs for a beautiful piece called “Sea Urchin” and I knew it would be exactly what I needed for my sea creature look. I was able to nab the piece and unfortunately it has since been discontinued, but if you are looking for some real cutting edge jewelry, you NEED to stop by Finesmith Designs! Her stuff is truly amazing (and she has some of the prettiest nail/ring combos in SL) I wore one bracelet with pride and decided to take the other and attach it to my chest, moving it up to the neck area so that it appeared to be a jewel added at the neck line. And I knew that would be all I needed for this look.

No shoes were really needed with this look, since my feet were bathed in Algae, so I threw on some lashes by Wasabi Pills and was done! V and I were off to dance! I was sure glad he did not mind being surrounded by fishies! Stay tuned when next weeks color challenge will be…….Electric Lime……OH MY!

Styling Notes:
Gown: Eshi Otwara
Skin: Garded Secret
Hair: Truth
Jewelry: Finesmith Designs
Lashes: Wasabi Pills
Location: My own set


  1. Mayala Loon February 20, 2011

    now that’s an interesting outfit 😉 … love it !
    and congratz to such a sweetheart you got in V … 😉

    • El February 21, 2011

      Yes…I DO have a wonderful partner! He takes very good care of me and is always supportive in all I do. I am a lucky girl! Thanks for stopping by…:)

    • El February 21, 2011

      Thank you Lisa! It was loads of fun. I really appreciate you taking the time to come have a look! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Laila February 21, 2011

    It is teal..and very lovely!! Great job!

    • El February 21, 2011

      Thank you Laila! I loved it! Appreciate your comment….:))

  3. Lashae Karsin February 23, 2011

    That is very interesting… I never thought females could be colorblind. I suppose it just occurs so much less than it does in males that you never hear of the females!

    The outfit is absolutely beautiful and definitely very teal. Great job!

    • El February 23, 2011

      Yes…it is quite rare. I suppose that is why they told me about it in school. I noticed all the teachers pointing and talking…and so I wanted to know what they were talking about. Seems I failed the little test that you take when you look at all the green balls and pick out the numbers. I thought they were lying…as I can CERTAINLY see green! But that is not the way color blindess works. It is only certain shades of red and/or green /and/or their variants) that one has trouble with. And as I grew older I noticed that many things that I thought were one color…were really not that color at all…:/

      I am not really good with all the gene jazz…but if I understand it correctly…for a female to be color blind, her father must be color blind and her mother must carry the gene (One more thing to blame one’s parents for!….haha) And it is really rare. I don’t mind being rare….as in a “rare jewel”….or a “rare find”…but this is one “rare” I could have done without. Thank God I have V to keep me on the right color path….LOL

      Thanks for your comment….and have fun!!!

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