If you have arrived here, it was most likely a result of reading my profile from SL. WELCOME! The “TD” was started after I realized that my profile was being “Tracked Daily” and so I took the opportunity to make it a place that I could share my great love for my husband, Vanish. There are SO many things that I have to say about him that the only problem I had writing something daily was making it short enough to put in the limited space in my profile! After a few days of entries, it was suggested that I move it to a blog….and so….here it is!
The TD is NOT an attempt at professional writing. It is merely the written words of a woman deeply in love with her man. Sometimes you will find little moments that we shared earlier that day that moved me or perhaps my ranting will take the form of a short story. On occasion, it may be that I will write something that I had forgotten to say earlier and rarely it may contain those secret treasures that I had wanted to say in person and simply could not. In any case, the TD is merely a feeble attempt to share my thoughts and feelings with my husband and now, the world. I will try to keep it “PG” but on occasion you may find an “R” rated entry or picture, so be forewarned!
To my husband: I hope these entries bring you joy and pride in my love for you. They are written with the utmost love and care. The entries are true to my feelings for you and never manipulated to please a crowd, for they are TRULY yours. You have brought me the greatest joy in life and it is my pleasure to be able to share it. I could have kept all these things secret, between only you and me, but I feel a love like ours is so RARE, so pure, so precious, that it deserves to be shared with others. There are many, many “stolen moments” that we share that will never be revealed to another human soul, but these are shared to validate what we have now, what we have had and will always have.
To the outside reader that somehow found their way here: I hope you enjoy my ramblings as much as I enjoy writing them. May they allow you a small glimpse of what can transpire between a man and a woman who met in a virtual world, only to find real love. It is my sincere desire that they may bring you joy and a glimmer of hope in what can sometimes be a dark and uncaring world.
SO…..sit back, relax and get ready to enter the world of “Firecaster” but you may want to put your seatbelt on, you never know how long the journey will be, or where it may lead!