DRESS: SissBoom
HAIR: No longer available
SHOES: Included with dress
SKIN: Essences
LASHES: Redgrave
NAILS: Finesmith Designs
JEWELRY: Rhiamon’s Realm
LOCATION: Paris Metro, Four Season’s Plaza
Welcome to week 14 of Luna Jubilee‘s 52 weeks of color challenge. This weeks challenge was BLACK! FUN FUN FUN! The biggest part of the challenge was WHAT to wear! I have SO many things in my inventory that are black, it was so hard to choose. But the first thing I thought of was a little number that I have had for quite sometime. I have worn it once before and loved it SO much that it INSTANTLY popped into my mind when I thought of “black”. It is a beautiful little gown from Lestat Reuven (one of my FAVORITE designers!!!!) and can be found in her store, Siss Boom. It is called “Good and Plenty” and one look at it will tell you why. Perhaps that is why I am so fond of it. Aside from the interesting cut of the dress, the way the tail follows in the back and the beautiful ruffled skirt, you have the option to top it with a hot pink jacket/bolero with optional collar attachment. I think it is truly stunning when worn! And truth be told…I used to LOVE those little candies when I was small. NOT that I liked black licorice…not at ALL in fact, but on occasion I would just have to buy them because I loved the color so much!!! So all these things combined, make it one of my FAVORITE gowns…and did I tell you it comes with matching shoes???? That’s right….little black and hot pink shoes! Who could ask for more? I topped the dress with one of my all time favorite hairstyles as well, but unfortunately, the designers are no longer in SL….so I cannot tell you where to get this wonderful updo….:/
Perhaps one of the hardest parts of putting this outfit together was finding just the right skin. I spent a LONG time going thru EACH skin in my inventory trying to find one that would live up to the glamour of the gown and yet be able to handle that bright pink jacket. I finally came across this little number from Essences. It is called India and comes in several shades ranging from a fairly light skin to to one that is very dark. Essences is the place I go when I am looking for a darker skin, some might even call them “ethnic”…I am never sure of the exact verbage to use…but I call them beautiful, when done by Essences! It has taken me a LONG time to find a place in SL that did darker skins in a way that I thought were representative of the darker skin tones that we see in RL, not just the same skin with a darker color on it. I think Essences truly captures that!
But who can think of “black”….and not think of Latex in SL????? I was SOOO torn. Beautiful gowns come in all colors, but nice latex (imho) just has to be done in black. And of course, it did not help any that I had JUST bought a BOAT load of NIIIIIIICE stuff from Nomine…including a CUUUTE lil latex number….hair, and boots included with LOADS of different looks to boot. SO….I decided to do an El….”at the party” and an El…..”after the party”!!!! What’s a girl to do???? I hope you enjoy “The two faces of El” as much as I did! You can see ALL my pics of BOTH outfits at our Flickr site.
Next week’s challenge is JUST in time for the BEST “holiday” of the year….Valentine’s Day! And what Valentine’s Day would be complete without red????? Until then….be challenged!
OUTFIT: Nomine
HAIR: Nomine
SHOES: Included with outfit
SKIN: Essences
LASHES: Oceane’s Body Boutique
NAILS & JEWELRY: Finesmith Designs
Location: Insilico
how could I miss your pics last week …
especially love that pic with you sitting in the chair 😉
Thanks Mayala! I loved that one too…it just looked like I had FINALLY finished the shoot and decided to sit down for a while….I was really pleased. Glad you liked it.