I will never forget today, love…..ever. I know it was an insignificant little incident to you, but it was EVERYTHING to me. It showed me something that I was not sure was possible. I did not know someone could or would love me like that.
I hate it that I cannot sleep, but I expected it to get like that…and even more so as the day approaches. I TRY not to let it affect me too much, but I cannot seem to help it. So I was most pleased when you chimed in and asked me if I was still up. I was trying hard not to bother you. I knew you were tired and probably somewhat irritated after the days events. SO I worked to leave you alone and let you have some “me” time. But when I saw your text, I was so happy!
I expected you to be scolding me for still being awake. I never expected what you told me. While I would certainly never want you to be in a stressful state over me for any extended period of time, it was quite surprising to me to hear the thoughts and fears you were experiencing. And truth be told, I had to cry when you related it to me. I knew that I was capable of loving like that, but I thought that I was just strange…because I had never heard of anyone else being like that, until today.
We love hard, my prince. We love in a way that few understand. It is something DEEP inside of us that has been placed there from the beginning and…in this life…has never been correctly used or appreciated, until now. It is as it should be. And so…we take it serious. Just as the LOVE is painful, so is the thought of parting. I TOO have cried those same tears, love. I just never told you, I feared you would see me as silly…and I was afraid to share it. Now I wonder, if you would have found it as amazing as I did today and I regret not having shared it.
You have alluded to it before, but have never just come right out and told me. And when you did…it made me feel…like a precious gem! I felt truly cherished and appreciated. I felt like…for the first time in my life…it might be possible…that someone loved me equally. That someone “coveted” me. I will never forget it, love. I pray that I never forget what a lucky girl I am and that I NEVER take that love for granted. I hope that each morning when I wake up and see your shining face, that I remember how amazing and untouchable our love is. When I sit across from you and share that cup of coffee…that I always remember the longing I had for it…and experience the wonderment of it anew each time. I hope every day when your hand touches mine that I am reminded of who we are and have always been and of what that means. I hope that each evening when I lay my head to rest, my last thought will be of you and the dreams we have shared that day. May I NEVER forget what we have endured to get here. May I be grateful for each day, living it to the fullest. May we cherish the current time that we have here together and when that awful day comes that we must temporarily part, may we find comfort in knowing that it IS only temporary…and that we will again…find one another and continue writing a new chapter in the book that is our love.
I am FOREVER yours, V………D