El Firecaster

Fire from Within

One Step

Posted By on July 17, 2010 in All, Tracked Daily | 0 comments

Good morning, my prince! I hope you slept well and are refreshed! I hate it when our schedules get out of whack. It always seems like NOTHING is right in my life when things are “off” with us. And even though we are closer than we have ever been, it still seems like we have not gotten back on track since my “vacation”.

I have a feeling this next month is going to go fast and have my head reeling! I do pretty well with it most of the time and then there are periods of time that I still find myself “freaking out”! It all seems so BIG to me, with so many obstacles and things to consider. And just about the time I think I am going to LOSE it…I can hear your voice and feel you close and remember WHY I am doing all of this and how many, many times we have done this before and most likely will do again…and have always been fine. I promise I will try not to drive you crazy on a daily basis…maybe just once a week! <giggles> I hate the thought of me being one more thing that you must take on to fix on a constant basis. I know your plate is already full and you handle things SO very well most of the time. I will feel SO much better when I feel like I am pulling my fair share of the weight and am not having to depend on you to fix everything for me. At the very least, I look forward to the time when I can hold you close and rub your face, gently taking your head in my hands and kiss your soft lips. I long for the time that I can rub your shoulders and kiss your neck, whispering in your ear how much I love you. And on a purely selfish note on my part, I cannot wait to place my head on your chest and listen to your heart beat, hear your gentle breathing and feel my body respond in rhythm to yours. Even thinking about it puts my mind at ease and makes me breath a little easier. One step at a time….that is all it is…just one step at a time…and soon all that we have longed for will be true.

Thank you for holding my hand and taking each step with me…

Your adoring wife….D

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