(Special thanks to the love of my life, Vanish for posing with me. I love you babe. You mean the world to me. Thanks so much for “playing” with me this time. You always make me feel so loved!)
*Eyeliner: Izzie’s – Asia Eyeliner black
*Jewelry: +:+WTG+:+ **Attar** earpierces, necklace (I LOVE this set from WTG. It comes in 3 different colors and is SO elegant! I love the way the earrings go up the side of the ear)
Dress: PurpleMoon (:: PM ::) – Mellie Dress in White Ornament Flower (shoulder), White Ornament Flower (stomach), :: PM :: Mellie Dress in White [MESH] Size B (This was a Designer’s Choice outfit offered a while back by PurpleMoon. It came in several different colors and is just SOOOO pretty! It is low cut on top, high cut at the bottom and makes me feel SO sexy! It is trimmed with sequins and a removable flower corsage on the belt and the shoulder)
Shoes: Hucci (::HH::) – Hucci Nude Pumps (This fat pack of neutral tone shoes was recently on sale at Hucci and I consider it WELL worth the money I paid for them.)
*Hair: Alli & Ali Design (A&A) – Sonja Hair Darkbrown (This hairstyle was released by A&A a few weeks back. It comes with color change streaks at the crown of the hairstyle and is short but sexy and sweet at the same time.)
Eyelashes: Izzie’s – Eyelashes v1.08
Mesh Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Relaxed
*Skin: Izzie’s – Jill Safari Skin medium DB CL (This Safari set of Jill Skin was recently released at The Boutique. As always, every skin done by Izzie is extremely well done. The Jill Safari Edition comes with body shape, 4 eyebrow colors, cleavage, nailbase and eyebrow shape. You can choose from 3 skintones, peach, medium and dark tan.)
Eyes: IKON – Ascension Eyes – Sahara (L)
*Pose: Purpleposes – Couples pose #260
Pants: Bare Rose (::: B@R :::) – Eric Yellow Pants
Shirt: Bare Rose (::: B@R :::) – Summer Time Pink Jacket, PurpleTie (Spine), Pink L&R ForeArm
Shoes: Lapointe & BastChild (.:L&B:.) – Slouch Engineer Shoe
Guns: LPP – Tommy Gun The Pistol (leg holster), sexadoll gun MR-2048 Hip (L)
Hair: Kin-Male Hair 4-freeb red
Skin: =V= Skin 09 V darker
Eyes: =V= Eyes 07 VA