El Firecaster

Fire from Within


Posted By on January 19, 2013 in Sponsors | 0 comments

underscorelogosolid copy

Many of you have seen me blog Secrets Hair before in several of my past posts. Secrets Hair has been laid to rest and [Underscore] will now take its’ place. According to its’ founder, Syndel Davieau, the reason for this can best be summarized by taking a look at their website: http://underscorestyle.wordpress.com/our-textures/ .   Syndel states “We are pleased to retire Secrets Hair and introduce you [Underscore], our new brand, bringing new textures and more variety to you! Each color pack comes now with 10 colors and we will be working with 3 textures to give you even more options. The full pack is also specially priced!”

They have TOTALLY redone their textures and I must say I am VERY impressed with the results! There is currently only one of the 3 lines available, but I had the privilege of seeing each one of them up close and EACH ONE is amazing!  Be sure to take a look at the website to see just how different each line will be.  It is truly hard to pick a favorite…they are ALL so nice!   I think we will be seeing many good things to come from [Underscore]. Keep an eye on my blog, I will be blogging one of their new creations soon!

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