There is nothing like a summer cold to throw a wrench into your blogging schedule! Combine that with 3 days of being unable to log into your SL home and gee…blogging comes to a grinding halt! I am happy to say that LL got my home up and running within 24 hours of the time I (OK…VANISH) notified them. It is always nice when things work the way they are supposed to! Thank you LL! (And to my wonderful husband for finally telling me that it was something that I needed to report…instead of just waiting for it to magically get fixed! I swear…sometimes I don’t know what I would do without him!!) So…all that being said…let’s get on with it! I wanted to start off by featuring a couple of the latest releases from Azoury. This first mesh offering is called Agatha and comes in seven different colors. It is NOT a separate. The skirt and the top are combined, which is kind of a shame…I would love to be able to wear the top with a few other things I have. BUT I have heard that matching mesh items can be difficult, so I guess I am kinda glad that Mayhem took care of that for me and paired them together. The skin in my first look is from one of my favorite SL skin designers, YS & YS. This is Liu which I picked up from The Dressing Room and am always SO happy when I find a YS & YS skin featured at TDR or TDRB. Besides amazing skins, YS & YS also make shoes, bags and accessories. These shoes are Brera from YS & YS and what I love about them is that you can wear them as plain open toed pumps, pair them with black OR white socks AND can choose whether or not to add the black or white lace ruffle at the top! GEE, I love things that give me OPTIONS! In addition to the shoes, I also picked up the fatpak of these adorable Cala Saona purses a while back when they too were featured at TDR. There are eight different textures in there with both hand and forearm poses available and I think they will keep me happy for quite some time! My jewelry is a set from WTG jewelers called Psychedelic! AND it is! There are so many colors in this set that you can wear it with ANYTHING! I love the fact that you can dress this piece up OR down and still get a great look with it! That is the case with so many items at WTG! This hair is Tracey from Emo-tions and was featured last month at The Attic. (In case you cannot tell, I LIVE for designer boutique sales!) I am sure you can still find Tracey at Emo-tion’s main store. Last but not least, are my Cracked nails from Izzie’s. These come with a color change HUD that allow for varying combinations of gold, silver, white and/or black, shiny or matte. I picked this set up when it was offered at the Perfect Wardrobe, but you can still find them at Izzie’s main store.
This next argyle sweater dress from Azoury, named Jade, also comes in seven great fall colors and you can purchase the optional tights separately. It has roomy, wide sleeves and is a nice transition from the Summer in to Fall. The boots I have paired with it are ALSO from Azoury and if you have not been by Azoury to check out their shoe collection, you should! It was the first thing that attracted me to Azoury and I have been loving them ever since! For quite a while now I have heard avi’s all over the grid go on and on about the amazing skin from Glam Affair. So imagine how delighted I was to find them featured (on several occasions) at TDR (B)!! I remember looking at this skin and thinking that I was NEVER going to be able to find anything to wear with that yellow liner on the eyes, but the skin was just too pretty to pass up! Man am I glad I grabbed it! And now, I too am sold on Glam Affair! This is the most favorite hair that I have ever picked up from D!va. I LOVE everything she does, but on occasion you could (I am not sure if she still does it or not) find this color (carrot) featured ONLY in her lucky chairs. I am not sure if that is still the case, but I was lucky enough to get several of those hairs from her lucky chairs and I just LOOOOOOVE this color! It frames my face SO well and Vanish always loves it when I wear it, so that is DEFINITELY a plus! This satchel bag comes to us from Shine. The fatpak of this purse has a TON (16) of colors and textures to choose from and the large cabochen on the front of the purse comes with 15 different colored stones to choose from. Again…it is always about OPTIONS for me! Speaking of options, I was glad to be able to get a close up in this week of the graduated nails from Izzie’s. There are at least FORTY different color combinations to choose from and I just think these nails should be a basic staple in any girls wardrobe! Between this set and the metallic gradient set you should pretty much be able to match any outfit you have! I didn’t want to leave this outfit with NO jewelry! (GASP) SOOOO, I decided to wear this lovely turquoise cuff bracelet from Addiction as a complimentary piece. I just love the delicate feel that Atiya gives to all her jewelry. It always makes me feel SO feminine when I wear it. One last paragraph to end a VERY LONG post…All of the poses featured in the pictures you see are from Purple Poses. All too often pose makers find themselves left out of the styling credits to a post (I know I have been guilty) and while I try to always mention them in the credits it is seldom that you hear much about them unless it is a pose prop that is being featured. Purple poses not only has some great pose props, they also have new poses for us to choose from on an almost weekly basis! Thanks Audrey for all your hard work. My blog would just not be the same without your wonderful poses! Until next time…
STYLING NOTES LOOK #1 – AGATHA Skin: *YS & YS* – Liu – TDR Venus, Liu Cleavage, Liu Lip Tatoo – Dark Hair: .:EMO-tions:. HAIRBASE 10 – straight brown, * TRACEY*/brown Shoes: *YS&YS* – Brera LeathCognac (sock), Brera lace (black) L Bag: *YS&YS* – Cala Saona Bag – Mompracem L HAND *Jewelry: +:+WTG+:+ **psychedelic** ear pierces, necklace Lashes: DAMNED – Eyelashes *Dress: Azoury – Agatha Nails: Izzie’s – Cracked Nails *Eyes: IKON – Utopia Eyes – Black (L) LOOK #2 – JADE *Tights: Azoury – Collant Boots: Azoury – Airelle Hair: “”D!va”” Hair “Chika2″ (Carrot)(Forelock) Bag: **SHINE** – Mesh Satchel bag/ Black (hand) *Bracelet: Addiction – Grace Cuff Bracelet – Turquoise [R] *Dress: Azoury – Jade Eyelashes: *REDGRAVE* – 31- ExtraLong Nails: Izzie’s – Gradient Nails Skin: -Glam Affair- Leah MedTan – Spring Breeze D *Eyes: IKON – ‘Sunrise’ Eyes – Deep Brown (L) *ALL POSES FROM PURPLE POSES Check out my Flickr stream! [slickr-flickr tag=”Jade”]
El Firecaster
Fire from Within