Several years ago, when I was just a little bitty avi, I stumbled upon a shop named Donna Flora. I still do not remember how I found it. It was probably through one of the numerous groups that I am a part of…always looking for a bargain. But I remember looking around and thinking that I had found THE most beautiful “vintage” clothing that I had ever seen. At the time, my partner Vanish was performing at a 20’s club and I KNEW that I had found the perfect place to buy my clothes. I did not have very many Linden’s to play with at the time and I was not sure HOW I was going to do it, but I knew that I was going to have to find a way. I told Vanish about the shop, hoping that perhaps he would buy me an outfit from there to wear to his performances. But it was not long until he no longer played at the club and vintage clothing was no longer needed. I have to admit, I was kinda bummed. I WANTED an excuse to be able to wear that BEAUTIFUL clothing. I would often go to the shop and look at the beautiful baubles and clothing. I was never disappointed at how gorgeous they were. Quite a while later, after I had moved to Germany to be with my partner in RL I was moaning and groaning for Donna Flora and when, I suspect, he could stand it no longer, he did the thing that any smart, loving husband would do…he bought me Donna Flora! I loved it and immediately started putting together a look for it and took a few pictures, but was just not happy with them. It just seemed like nothing was right. The skin was not quite what I wanted…the location was not good and the pictures did not look like I wanted them to at all! So, this outfit has been stowed away for quite sometime…waiting until the right moment. When I heard what Cajsa was doing for Squinternet, I knew that I had found the right moment! I had to put this together and “honor” her with it. I wanted to tell the story and I wanted her to know how much her creations are loved and adored. They have made an impact in our virtual world. Thank you SO very much for sharing your talent with us. C is for Cerry.
STYLING NOTES Outfit: Donna Flora – CERRY blue top, pants, jacket, gloves, belt, collar Shoes: Ingenue :: Gatsby Heels ::Chestnut *Skin: Egoisme – Ivy Pale – Eyebrows – Cleavage 1 with Evian Gentilesse Makeup 4 Lipstain: [mock] Cosmetics – Buff Lipstain (2) (Lip only) Liner: .:Glamorize:. Makeup Tattoo – Just Liners 1 – Supercat Eyelashes: – DAMNED – *Poses: Props n Poses *Backdrop: Props n Poses Jewelry: Eclectica_Jazz_celadon_Bangles, brooch, earrings Hair: Donna Flora – NINETTA hair carrot *Eyes: IKON (formerly FASHISM) – ‘Sunrise’ Eyes – Turquoise (L)
- Donna Flora A to Z | It's Only Fashion - [...] C is for Cerry by El Firecaster for The Ghost I Borrowed [...]
Beautiful outfit! You look just lovely dear!
Thanks so much Aya! I feel so privileged to have been a part of such an amazing project. XOXO