It has been a long time since I have written anything for the “TD”. For those of you not familiar with the “TD” you may learn more about it here. But basically it was my first entrance into “blogging”. My partner and love was separated from me by many, MANY miles. And for a long time I thought it might always be that way. But I am grateful that we were allowed to be together in this life and if you follow the progress of the TD you will see how it changed from being “love letters” written to my husband from a distance…to letters anticipating our finally seeing each other “in the flesh” and then there were a few written afterwards celebrating our union. But once I was finally at home with my Vanish, there was not this overwhelming need to WRITE how much I loved him. We were finally united! And while there were many sweet and loving words exchanged, they were usually shared daily between us, in the privacy of our home, making the TD obsolete.
But there are still times that I feel the urge to write down how much I love my precious husband. And this is one of those times. So for those of you who have no desire to hear the rantings of a woman ravished by love…then feel free to scroll down to the styling notes or about midway through to hear my thoughts on the things I am wearing. Otherwise, get ready to put your ear to the glass you have so carefully positioned on our bedroom wall…and listen in…
My precious V,
As time goes on and we are granted the privilege of spending more time together, the more I am convinced that we have always been meant to be together; that from the time of my birth I was meant for such a time as this…and not just in this life, but in many ones we once lived and in many more to come. There is such a strong belief in me that we are eternally and forever bonded. It is TRULY stronger than any other belief I have ever had…and you know, that having been raised a “preacher’s daughter” I have had MANY strong “beliefs”. But none as strong as this. It feels like each day it grows stronger and I become even MORE confidant in “us”. There is NOTHING more precious in the world to me than feeling you roll over in our bed, wrap me in your strong arms, squeeze me tight and say “I love you so much, Ellie!”….and I know that what you have said is true. It is not just something that you think you should say…or a game that you are playing…a role…it IS you…it is what you feel. And I know it, because I feel it too. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything in my life and in those moments…those still quite moments while I am still wrapped in your arms, I bask in the light of your love and I TRULY feel as though my heart will burst as I think to myself…”Truly, no other person on this planet is loved more than I!”
You tend to my every want and desire. There are so many times that I just say something in passing…not ever thinking that I could REALLY have it…and before I know it, you have made it happen. I know that there is NOTHING that you would withhold from me, were it in your power. And there are times that I feel like I have so little to offer in return. I try to see to it that you are ALWAYS placed at the forefront of everything I do. I TRY to think of little things I can do to show you how much you mean to me. I hope you know how much you mean to me and how happy I am to serve you. And you are ALWAYS so grateful. And so it goes….our love grows and grows. All I have to offer is me. And I am yours completely, totally, forever.
I truly did not think our love could grow any deeper and yet…it does…almost daily. As it has been for over 2 years now, you are the last thing I think of at night and the first thing to grace my mind each morning. My life with you is even more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. I am SO SO SOOOO glad that I got on that plane over a year ago and came to a “new world” and a new way of life to be yours. I have had many wonderful things happen to me in my life. I have been a blessed woman. But this, my life with you, is the very BEST thing that ever happened to me. And I have truly waited for it my whole life. I know how that sounds to “normal” people…I know it sounds crazy, but there seems to be more and more things happen that remind me of how I have waited for you…ever. They are simple things. Things that most would just say are co-incidence. But we know better. There are too many and they are too varied to be just a random happening.
It meant SO much to me to find out that we shared yet again a “favorite song”. You and I are so touched by music. It not only soothes us, it moves us…sometimes for different reasons, but yet the same. I did not want to go on and on about it, but I can TRULY remember as a young girl, no more than 14 at the most, sitting alone in my room and listening to that song and FEEEEELING. It often moved me to tears. And as I closed my eyes and listened, I knew. I knew that someone, somewhere loved me like that. That there was someone in this world that LONGED for me like that…that was looking for me…my other half…the one that made me…the other. He was out there…and someday (although I will admit I did not know it would be quite this long in it happening) he would find me and we would be together…again. I would sing along with the song…and FEEL you, love. It was almost as if I could feel those same arms that wrap around me daily now, wrap around my young teenage body and whisper “Wait for me, El….I will find you,…I promise!”
When you told me that you used to listen to it and think of me….I felt a wave of emotion sweep over me, because I TOO had thought of you. And to think that we had listened to the SAME song, sung by different artist, in different decades on different sides of the world and even THEN we KNEW! WE KNEW! And the thought of that just brings tears to my eyes, love.
Thank you so much for never giving up. Thank you for continuing to look for me, even when you thought our time was long gone. Thank you for believing in us. I am so grateful that we found each other in a medium that defies age, time and ethnicity. I am glad it was in a way that stripped us down to who we REALLY are and allowed us to see each other in that capacity. It allowed us to find each other under the most difficult of circumstances. And to bridge that gap between virtual life and real life, to bring us to each others arms once again. I NEVER plan on leaving them again. I am committed to you forever and always, love…IMMER.
NOW….for fashion.
This look originated from my love for the recent hairstyle “Ceres” from Alli and Ali. A&A is always coming up with something fun and this week they gave us a kind of retro/historical look that reminded me of a sweet little nymph in the forest. It is full of lovely flowing curls with a braid that runs across the top of the head and it is really quite lovely.
I immediately started going through my “Angelwing” folder to find a dress or gown that I thought would be fitting for this hair, and while this little number was a little more “modern” it still had that vintage look and feel. It has a sculpted rose adorning the top and bottom of the sheer sculpted top and the hem of the skirt along with a cute little banded wrist adornment. It also comes with a matching hairband (Not shown). Angelwing always has something flowing and angelic at their shop and when I think of angels or fairies or godesses…I think of them!
I knew that all I wanted for this sweet, innocent look in the way of shoes, was just a simple flat. No 8 inch stilletos for this fair maiden. I was oh so happy when I found this pair of ballet flats in my inventory from “In Her Shoes” Rachel Boram has graciously donated her time and talent to the citizens of SL with cute shoes and adorable hair. Be sure to drop by her stores and grab a few items and take the time to drop some L’s in her donation box along with a notecard letting her know how much you appreciate her!
This beautiful skin comes from Essences and was made special for the vintage fair. Her sweet little pouted lips made me think that I looked just like a porcelain doll and was perfect for the look I was trying to create! Thanks Inka! I am so glad to see you creating great skins again!
I topped this look off with some french tip nails topped with roses from Logo & Kin, some eyelashes from [ Glow ], eyes by Fashism and some sweet little poses that I picked up at the Tropicalia Bazaar by Everglow.
I then teleported over to the Chakryn Forest and began taking pics. I hope you are pleased and will forgive my “non-professional” love story written for my partner. I will try to do better next time…or maybe not….
Until then….
Outfit: **Angelwing**- Evelyn Dress
Nails: Logo & Kin – Square Tip Sz 20 Prim Nails
Hair: A&A – Ceres Hair Flame*
Lashes: [ Glow studio] Innocent. eyelashes – gentle
Shoes: [IHS] Bows Bows Distressed Red
Skin:{.essences.} – Dharma skin for VF 2011*
Eyes: FASHISM ‘ – Sunrise’ Eyes – Pale Aqua (L)*
Poses: Everglow
Shot at the Chakryn Forest
Check out my Flickr stream!
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