El Firecaster

Fire from Within

One more to catch up….Periwinkle

Posted By on May 11, 2011 in 52 weeks of color, All | 2 comments

Periwinkle! After this I will officially be ALL caught up from the 3 weeks I had been behind. I had hoped to make that happen last week, but unfortunately my RL has decided to come back to play…and some of it has not been nice…:/ Not to worry…nothing really serious. Just the same ol crap that most of us have to put up with at one time or another. SO….we are HOPING that the next week will be better. At least I will/should be caught up! <Looks over at “Pink” and what she wants to do with it…and prays to the 52WOCC gods that they will be merciful.>

Every year when I would open my BRAND NEW pack of 64 color crayons (Yes…I am THAT old!) I would look over each one of them and pull them out, taking a few extra moments with the “special” colors, looking at them in my hand…and thinking of how beautiful they were…and what I was going to do with them! Periwinkle was always one of those colors.

There were always 3 things about Periwinkle that I loved. 1.) It WAS a lovely color. It was just the right mix of lavender and sky blue and seemed to really bring out whichever one of those it was laid next to. 2.) It had a REALLY cool name! Periwinkle always reminded me of some name that started off to be BEAUTIFUL and halfway thru the naming process it decided to be fun instead! 3.) I possessed one of the only living “pieces” of Periwinkle that existed. It was SO rare and seldom seen that most people did not even recognize it when they saw it!

I can say without a doubt…that all of those things remain true for me today! So when I heard that this weeks color was Periwinkle, I was first excited…and then bummed….where in the SL WORLD was I going to find something Periwinkle? I thought of my MASSIVELY, growing inventory and remembered that I had recently gotten a few pieces from Serina Lacava that were a really nice shade of blue…and if you closed your eyes JUST RIGHT…..it MIGHT be considered Periwinkle. I began to pull out the pieces that I thought MIGHT qualify and came across this cute little set that had a skirt…and a top that I just KNEW could be Periwinkle….and it even came with shoes and jewelry…although I saved the jewelry for a different set. I had SO many really cute things from which to choose that were from SLC, but I liked the springy, casual feel of this set and so it was….THIS was Periwinkle….for me, at least.

I had recently bought some skins from her new line, Lulu at Style by Kira and was REALLY pleased with them. Most of Kyra’s styles will have a “normal” version and a “fantasy” version. So why not get both??? She remains one of my FAVORITE SL skin designers and she too always has weekly specials that are WELL worth the trip to her store.

Hair was once again a choice from the recent sale at Elikatira. It was a nice pulled back little ponytail with color-changeable headband. A LONGGGGG time ago…when I FIRST joined SL…in another life…I had gone to ETD and had bought several styles there that I was quite pleased with. SO you can imagine my dismay when I came back a year later and found that ETD was gone and those pieces could not be replaced! I had NO idea that the actual CREATOR of those designs was still alive and well and still making hair under the name of Elikatira. I accidentally came across that info from a plurk contact and everything was on SALE no less….so off I went…and pretty much bought one of everything in the store…including boots! I was REALLY pleased with each piece I bought and am glad to see that her beauty and creativity are not gone from SL!

Most of you that read my blog know that my FAVORITE jewelry designer that I go to for SL jewelry that is most like jewelry I would wear in RL is Ear Candy. She’s recently come out with a set that is called “He loves me..” and reminds me of the game I used to play as a kid, picking flowers apart one piece at a time to see if my latest “true love” REALLY loved me. I really liked the way the earrings peeked out of the hair and it was just the right touch for a spring outfit.

Nails were once again by Finesmith Designs…and although nails are not her specialty, they are some of my VERY favorite nails and they fit SO well! Many of her nails are color-changeable and if the nails are color-changeable then the rings will be as well.

Lashes were done by Redgrave. They are my favorite lashes…but I am looking for a new favorite….so if anyone has some special lashes that they just LOVE…be sure and let me know where they are from. I would love to check them out!  And of course, those lashes have to frame beautiful eyes!  My pic for some of the best eyes in SL is Ibanez Eyes.

This week as I began to think about Periwinkle and what I wanted to do with it, I kept thinking about a cute little cabin/beach house that had been given to me by a dear friend that makes all the beautiful items you find at Vent du Sud. And then I remembered the tree platform that she had given me and EVERYONE that asked that follows her plurk line (Ariadne Korda) and thought about trying to put the two together somehow…and then I thought about ALLLLLLL the Vent du Sud stuff I have in my inventory and how REALLY cute and well made each piece is…and thought about doing a set with all of it. I really DO own almost EVERYTHING in her store..and you can too!!!! You see….each piece is ONLY 1 LINDEN! (Aside from her bigger builds, like houses and cabins…and even those are only 50L!) And it is not a sale…not some gimmick to get you into the store…it is just what Ari does because she truly loves to build and wants to share that with others.

After I got done shooting the set I was a little disappointed….I had really felt terrible during the shooting and NOTHING was going right and when it was all said and done I ended up with just a FEW shots….mostly closeups that did nothing to show off Ari’s great builds OR the really wonderful creativity of SLC either…:/ So…to both of you I apologize…and will try to do better next time. Please take a look at my Flickr Photostream to see the rest of the pics.

So off I go….to try and decide the best way to shoot “Pink”….and be thankful that the next colors were not Thistle and/or Cornflower…..although…..they could be in the future….only Luna knows for sure.

Until next week….be challenged.


Outfit (including shoes): Serina Lacava Creations (SLC)
Skin: Style by Kira
Hair: Elikatira
Jewelry: Ear Candy
Lashes: Redgrave
Eyes: Ibanez Eyes
Location: Shot in Bay City with items, including the cabin and treehouse from Vent du Sud.


  1. Ayako Firecaster May 12, 2011

    Really cute, you did great El!

    • El May 13, 2011

      Awww….thanks Aya….you are always so kind…:)

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