El Firecaster

Fire from Within

Week 18….Ecru.

Posted By on March 6, 2011 in 52 weeks of color, All | 10 comments

Isn’t it funny how the things that you think are going to be SOOOO easy can turn out to be SOOOOO difficult??? That seemed to be the case with Ecru. I just KNEW it was going to be incredibly easy and that I had at least a MILLION items in my inventory that were Ecru…well….ok…not a million…but at least 2-3….or 4….maybe 5.

I started this weeks challenge working backwards, which is not SO unusual for me…but it IS something I try to avoid. After Electric Lime I thought Ecru would be a BREEZE…and so I started going thru my inventory, looking thru all the notecards that had accumulated, that I had not had time to look at….and what to my wondering eyes should appear? ANOTHER beautiful skin from Style by Kira. Many of her skins will have a “regular skin”…and a “fantasy skin”…and this fantasy skin was just too pretty to pass up. I TRIED. I kept looking around at things in my inventory…..thinking about what I might do for Ecru…but ALL the time I kept thinking about the skin. Finally I could not stand it anymore and just went down to the store and bought it. It WAS on sale, after all! So I picked it up, TP’d back home and just HAD to try it on…I could not wait…and it was SOOOO lovely. I fell in love! (It’s ok baby….it’s just a skin…I promise I still love you MORE…;) And so I decided I could not wait one more week…this skin was going to take on Ecru!

I started going thru some of the things in my inventory and it did not take long for me to come across a beautiful gown I had picked up from Lestat Reuven’s Siss Boom. (She has moved, so if you have not seen her new store, be sure to take this SLURL and go check it out! It is really lovely!) It was a gown she called “Chocolate and Water”. And it DID kind of remind me of chocolate mousse and the jewels and skirt had an aqua tint to them, thus the “water”. I ran to Luna Jubilee’s sight to see if the dress would “qualify” for ecru from the color swatch…and I thought that it did, even though it looked a little dark to me.

Next was hair. I wanted something truly different..something that I thought would match the look of the skin and still say “glamour”. I found this little number from Vanity Hair and loved it.

Jewels were easy. I knew I wanted pearls….and my FAVORITE set of pearls is from Burroughs. His jewelry comes with a color change HUD…and the color of these pearls can be mixed and matched to give you LOTSSS of color combinations!

I was a little concerned that I would not be able to find JUST the right shoes for this dress and then I remembered these shoes from Serina Lacava and they are wonderful for all the spring colors. They TOO have a color change HUD to match skin tones and with several colors for the toes AND shoes, one of which was Aqua.

The final touches, nails by Finesmith Designs and lashes by Wasabi Pills and I was out the door!

This week I wanted to find some place with an Oriental feel to it. I began to look thru a list of nice places for photographs that had been passed to me and I came across Steelhead Shanghai. It is a nice mix of steampunk with an asian flair and was just what I was looking for.

So there you have it…several poses were from the various places I visited. The rest were by Posies with the exception of the one at the top of this post, it was also by Style by Kira. (V calls it “my headache pose” but I LOVE it!)

Hope you like the pics…I thought I was all ready for next weeks challenge until I saw it…it is UMBER….and then I looked at my dress…and think—-Oh no….Ecru….Umber…..I’m not sure anymore…:/ Until next week…..be challenged!

Style Notes:
Skin and pose in above picture: Style by Kira
Gown: Siss Boom
Hair: Vanity Hair
Jewelry: Burroughs
Shoes: Serina Lacava
Nails: Finesmith Designs
Lashes: Wasabi Pills
Poses (those not found on location): Posies
Location: Steelhead Shanghai


    • El March 6, 2011

      Thank you Laila…I appreciate you stopping by!

  1. Mayala Loon March 6, 2011

    what a wonderful dress … and I love that dramatic pose 😉

    • El March 6, 2011

      Thank you Mayala! I loved it too! And yes it IS kind of dramatic, but I have a tendency to be that way too…so I guess it was a “Good fit”….:) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Kaelyn Alecto March 8, 2011

    Wow amazing pose and shadows! Love the whole look! Beautiful!

    • El March 8, 2011

      Thank you Kaelyn so much for your comment. It is nice to know that my time and effort is appreciated. I hope to get better! Thanks again.

  3. Guenevere DeCuir March 11, 2011

    Yes the pose, the setting and the outfit make for a perfectly dramatic and lovely look. :-) Great job!

    • El March 11, 2011

      Thank you SO much Guenevere! It is always so nice to hear what others think! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Ayako Firecaster March 16, 2011

    Sexy and elegant all at the same time! Great job El!

    • El March 16, 2011

      Thank you so much for coming by and for the encouraging words!

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