Good morning, love! A new day! There is just something about a good night’s sleep and the restarting of a day that seems to make things brighter and better….most of the time anyway!
I must admit to you, just in case you have not already figured it out…I have ALWAYS had a tendency to make things harder than they really are. I hate that I am that way. I wish I were not…but for some reason I always look for the “hard” in things…sometimes when there is not any. Many times, even in my professional life, I would just be struggling and struggling with something…TRYING SO HARD to figure it out…and one of my colleagues would come along and show me what had been staring me in the face all the time. It would be something SO simple and so easy that I would completely overlook it. And then I would be SO embarrassed that I had taken something SO easy and had made it SO hard. I would get so caught up in what COULD be that I could not see what it really was.
I do not want to do that with us, love. We always have been and ARE easy. Don’t we have enough difficulties to deal with, without making new ones?? <giggles> WE are not hard. We do not have to make it that way….all we need to do, is love one another…and we are good at that aren’t we?
Of course, I need you…yes…every waking moment I need you and every sleeping moment I want you. I cannot help that. It is who I am….but it is NOT unto death, love. I KNOW that you want to fulfill my every need and desire. I know that you want to UNDO all the wrongs that have been done to me all these years. I KNOW that is important to you. But just BEING with you, love is enough. We should not create NEW problems for ourselves trying to right all the old ones. All I need is you, love….I just need to know that you love me and whatever I need to do, love…I will do it. Yes…I am a little overwhelmed, yes….I DO feel like I have been dropped off on Jupiter and left to make a new life…but I always told you I would follow you anywhere….that includes Jupiter!
I think that we have been so “starved” that we have just hungrily gone at each other…and now it is time to breath….REALLY touch and explore and delve even deeper into who we are. Take our time to love each other…to remember that rhythm that is ours. Yes, there is much to be accomplished…and we shall get it done…It will be ok, love…just one step at a time. There is enough hours in a day…there is enough time to do it all. SOOOOO…..take me by the hand, love….place your soft lips on mine….breath me in as you kiss me, remember how GOOD we are together and let us begin our day…and when we have done all that needs to be done…and the sun has set…leaving us to the dark night…may we once again come together, renewing our passion, giving and taking of each other until we lay spent in one anothers arms, blissfully aware of just how EASY we are!
I am forever your southern peach…..D