Good morning, my prince. Have I told you lately how much I love you?
Thank you, love for being so understanding about the movie. I was trying SO hard to stay awake….and there were SOOOO many story lines and they were ALL running together and I am pretty sure I dreamed a new one in there…maybe I saw it…I dunno…I could not remember if I watched it or dreamed it!….HAHAHA. If it was not in there, I guess it should have been!
Thank you for taking me driving today….even if it DID scare me to death…I can only imagine how YOU must have felt!….HAHAHA I must admit it DID bring back memories of me being a teen with my Dad sitting in the passenger seat telling me what to do…but he was older and wiser…he took me to a parking lot to learn how to drive! <giggles> I guess he wanted to spare the rest of the world!
Thank you, my angel for never looking at me like I am crazy when I ask “What is that???” for the 1273646th time! Sometimes I almost feel like I have gone into sensory overload and my poor mind says “NO MORE!!!!!!” and shuts down for a temporary period. So if you occasionally notice a blank stare on my face…it is just my brain shutting down…no worries!….HAHAHA Let’s just hope it does not happen while I am driving! YIKES!
You have really been SO good to me, love. I am sorry if I seem a little clingy at times….as I told you…I sometimes just have to touch you to make sure you are really there. And tonight….you were so warm…and soft…and felt so good to lay against…I could hear you breathing…and lay my head against you and feel it rise and fall in response…and I had to think to myself that there was nothing better in the world…and it slowly lulled my tired brain to sleep. I must admit, I did not want to leave there. It was so wonderful. I really love the thought of falling asleep in your arms…I kind of wish I did not like it so much, but I do. <smiles>
Thank you for eating my cooking! I know it was odd and unusual for you…and I am grateful that you at least tried it. I suppose it was your turn to try something different. Don’t you feel MORE multi cultural now??? <giggles> I hope you will not have to pay for it for the next few days! <laughs> You might have been better off eating out! I am sure I will eventually learn what you like and be able to fix something for you that you will really like.
I am very happy, love…very, very happy. I sometimes find myself just looking out the window and marveling at my surroundings. Are you sure this is real? It is SO pretty! I often find myself caught up looking at the color of the tiles on the roofs…or the colors of the houses, the structure of the streetlamps, the way the rain falls from the sky onto the slanted windows upstairs…or the pattern a ladybug makes on a foggy window as it looks for an escape. SO many things to burn into my memory. And the really odd feeling that I have seen and felt some of this before….the way your lips feel against mine…your gentle kisses on my nose…your arms wrapped around me….ALL….SOOOO familiar…and sometimes…it makes me cry….to think that I could have ever forgotten those things….never again, my husband….never again…
Forever your adoring wife…..D