Today was SO amazing for me, love. To SEE you SOOOO soft and sweet…WOW. You will never know how much it meant to me. Of course, I KNOW you are that way…and I often imagine it…but to SEE it….was SOOOO incredible. And all I could think to myself was….”What did you EVER do to deserve such love and devotion???” It is times like that, that I find myself dumfounded and usually say something silly to cover up my true emotion…when all I really want to say is “why?” It is the only thing that comes to me at times like that. WHY do you love me so? I have never felt so cherished. You KNOW how I am…I have a tendency to look at me with ALL my shortcomings…and think….how in the WORLD could this be? And then I remember…the way you love me. How much you desire me. That you think I am beautiful. That it is ME that arouses you…not a computer image…but ME! That you have been willing to make GREAT sacrifices for me. You have protected and provided for me for quite some time now. You have worried over and FOR me. You have shared EVERY major Holiday…every event….every tear, worry, concern…you have babied me and pampered me. Everything I have wanted or needed you have seen to it that I have. You have bought me presents. You have bared your soul to me…and loved me even MORE when I have bared mine to you. You have prepared a place for me. AND a way for me to get there. You have dried my tears and held me in your virtual arms. You have made love to me and satisfied my every desire. You have encouraged me every step of the way and held my hand when I was afraid. Your every thought is towards me. There is never a day and barely a moment that I am not in your thoughts. You have sought comfort from me and let me caress and touch you the best way I can in a virtual world. You have played with me and watched movies with me. You have stayed awake to meet me and gotten up early to see me. You have dreamt and often DO dream of me….always have. You have single handedly made me feel like a woman, a mother, partner, girl, young lady, brave warrior and special creation. You have made me realize that I am sexy and confidant, beautiful, young, cherished, extraordinary and wanted. You have held on to me in a way that no other would dare. You have taught me how to love myself, how to think outside the box, how to look beyond the usual and how to remember who I am. You have given me hope, peace, security and pride. You have made me who I am today, who I always have been and who I always will be. Quite simply, you have made me…your wife.
I am forever and ever YOURS, love……D