It’s amazing how time flies when you are having fun! It was a year ago that I met you! I still remember it clearly. It was at Jenner…:) I will never forget it. I have left MANY things out…but this was the gist of it. This day…changed my life. It was just a simple meeting….just a fun evening with friends…and yet…it began the most wonderful period of my life. As I read the log (again) I could still feel the instant connection between us and the irresistible urge I had to flirt! I am grateful for my wonderful “sister” that has been there for both of us all this time…and for the day it all began. You captured my heart from this moment on, love….immer
Cat: Hey El…hey V…meet El!
V: Hi El. Nice meeting you.
Cat: She is my slow sister.
El: You don’t have to tell EVERYBODY, CAT!!!!
V: Aww.
El: Nice to meet you too…:)
Cat: V is my real good friend…and this is his land.
V smiles.
El: TY V for taking good care of her…:)
V: No problem…It’s a pleasure.
V laughs.
Cat: She has heard about you a lot.
V: Aww.
El: yes….all good too…:))
V: Damn, so my cover is blown?
V laughs.
Cat: lol…yes.
Cat: Take a look around…we have been renovating the land…try the trees!
El: Ok…I will go look
Cat: I am looking for a bar…is getting frustrated though.
El: Make one! This is great!
V: Taking pictures, El?
El: Yes…..laughs
Cat: lol
El: How did you know????
V: Uh. I heard the shutter.
El: hahaha….smarty! It is too pretty to pass up!
V: Mmmh.
El: Are YOU taking pictures too????
V: Uh, of whom?
Cat wonders if she can change the textures…
V: If it’s mod, then you can.
Cat: YES… please don’t tell mom!
Cat: Now i need a tiki texture!
El: What is this weather system? Can you make it rain???
V: That’s the weather control. I set it to group, so you can operate it, too.
Cat: Cool!
V: Just click on the weather you’d like.
El: I LOVE these poses over here!!
Cat: Oh didn’t know there were some here…this must be V’s tree…
V: Yes.
El: And you wanted ME to explore????
V: They come with the tree. I’ve got some kind of swing for it too somewhere.
El: They are LOVELY! I tried to steal the scripts but couldn’t….lol
V laughs.
Cat: whatever bar I have…there has to be a lady and man bartender.
El: This is really nice! You have done well with it…:)
Cat: I want the outside to be nice and let people enjoy!
El: I see.
Cat: I will also put the TV for them to view youtube… but no porn!
V laughs.
V: Yes, they can watch that on the web.
El: You caught me!
Cat: lol
Cat: Was that you??
El blushes.
El: hahaha
Cat: Ok fine… I will leave it…just learn to change the channel!
El: hahaha
Cat: lol
El: You know ALL my weaknesses…But I won’t tell mom about your drinking if you won’t tell her about my porn!
Cat: OK… deal.
Cat: V…you did not hear a thing here!
El giggles.
El: NOTHING!!!!!
V: Uh. No, nothing at all.
El: OR SEE anything either!
V laughs.
El: WOW…I am jealous…
Cat: For what now?
El: You can have a thunderstorm and I can’t!…NO FAIR!!!!!
Cat: Well V can tell us where to get it and we can put in your place!
V: Sure.
El: I am going to come here and make it rain ALL the time
V: If you want, I can rezz it for you there, too. So you don’t need to buy it.
Cat: Are you in the group?
El: What group?
Cat: V’s group…so u can use things here too?
El: No.
V: Not yet. I sent an invite.
El: Cool…..thank you!
V: No problem. I just set it to group, so not everyone can play with the weather.
V smiles.
Cat: Would bluejays go here?
V: What’s bluejays?
Cat: Birds…
El: Where are you from V?
Cat: oh El…V is from Germany!
El: Oh wow!
Cat:…and he does not always know our language. I forget because he speaks so well!
V smiles.
V: Well, I’m trying.
El: You don’t have bluejays?
V: We probably do…But they call themselves differently.
V laughs.
Cat: They call it different.
El: I see. I would have never known you weren’t from the US.
V: Awww. I should get me english slang out, then.
Cat: He does well, huh?
El: Yes…very welll!!!!! You’re getting wet, Cat…..gonna HAVE to change that hair now!
Cat goes for cover…
Cat: I can not get wet!
El: Scaredy CAT!!!
Cat: lmao
El: You melt when you get wet???
(V pulls out an umbrella)
Cat: lol
El: Don’t try to get under there Cat!
Cat: Go V!
El: It is just for one person!…LOOK AT YOU!
V laughs.
Cat: To heck with what you say sis…I go for the man!
El: hahaha..I KNEW that!.
V: Aww.
Cat: lol
El: Welllllll……I LIKE the rain!
V: Tssss.
El: Makes my hair curly!
V: You’re just jealous of the umbrella!
El I bet I have one in my inventory SOMEWHERE!
V: Mmmmh.
Cat wants V to move the umbrella move over her!
Catrine Dreamscape: lol
V laughs.
Cat: Your inventory is like mine!
El: Maybe not… But I DO have tiki type textures if you want them!
Cat: You do? Hmm…then make us a bar!
El: All my umbrellas are attached to tables….lolol
V laughs.
Cat: Well V… she is also the funny one in the family!
El: HOW bout…..I give the textures to you…and YOU make the bar!
V: Tss, am not.
Cat: See..comes with being slow.
El: You will never do it Cat…I know how you are!
Cat: No… I am going to buy one…all made.
V laughs.
El: I KNEW it!!!!!!!!!!!
Cat: Too busy trying to stay dry!
El: She would let me SLAVE over it for weeks trying to make it…KNOWING that I don’t know what I am doing!
V laughs.
V: Well, does anyone know what they’re doing here?
El: I had hoped so… I just know it is NOT me…But I am trying….lol
V: Wow, thunderstorm now.
El: I am under the tree.
V: Mmmh…You know the big trees get hit first?
El: OMG! Lightening! That is SO cool!!!!!
V laughs.
El: AND umbrellas get hit too V!
V: MMmh. This is a lightning free umbrella. It’s…uhm…shielded…somehow….with something.
El: WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V laughs.
El: Oh man….I LOVE this!
El: I think those big diamonds in Cat’s necklace are attracting the lightening!
Catrine Dreamscape: lol
V: MMmh.
El: You’re next to get ZAPPED CAT!
V: They’re lightning catching diamonds. They glow with all the lightning they’ve already caught. .
Cat: lol
El: Oh wow…I found more pose balls…they are so cool….lol
V laughs.
V: It seems I need to rezz the swing, too.
Cat: lol
El: As you can tell….I am NOT like my sister….I am EASILY pleased…lol
V laughs.
El That is SO cool…Good thing I have underwear on!
V: Mmmh.
El: Don’t laugh Cat! Cat is notorious for asking me to go places and not telling me the proper thing to wear!
V: What places?
El: One night she invited me dancing and I asked her what kind of club it was…and she said something…..I don’t remember… anyway… I put on some really cute short skirt outfit…REALLY cute…and then went to dance. It was BREAK DANCING !!!!
V laughs.
El: And guess what I didn’t have on????
Catrine Dreamscape: oh Fes is online… I wonder if he is here?
V: Doesn’t look so.
El: Cowboys don’t like lightening!
Cat: lol
V: Aw, don’t they wear those……tin foil hats?
El: hahahahahaha… ROFL..I think that is cone heads!
V: Aw, okay..
Cat: LOL
El: But he could be one of those too I guess!
V: I mixed something there.
Cat: lol
Elena Gremminger’s laughing too hard to type!
Cat: me too…lmao
El: That is TOO funny!!!!!!!!!!…Sorry V.
V: Aww.
El: I can’t help myself
V: No problem.
El: You are too cute…lol
V: Tss. I don’t get called cute often.
El: hahaha
Cat: Well I think Fes has tin hats.
El: I am SURE of it!
V: Well, he SHOULD.
Cat: lol
El has tears in her eyes.
V: It’s mighty dangerous without them.
Cat: lol
El: Omg… That is SO funny…almost as funny as me dancing without underwear!
V: Why did you go there without knickers anyway?
Cat: Omg…oh you should have been there V! That was so funny!
V: Yes, I definitely should have.
El: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Cat: I am losing control now!
El: Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cat: We were at a dance place…and I was doing this hip hop style dancing… so El had to join in… and she did some hip hop dancing without underwear on…and the room was crowded!!!
V: That still doesn’t explain why you were going knicker-free.
El: I was laughing too hard to try and put any on…hahahaha
V laughs.
V: Uhm. Well, I could show you, but that would be indecent, I think.
Cat: And then when she did realize…she couldn’t because she was laughing to much!!! And she exposed herself to the whole dance floor!
El: I have outfits that I put together premade… I just forgot to put underwear on with that one. Most of them have it anyway… so I never really check to see.
V: Well, you must’ve gotten a lot of male attention that way.
El: I do the STUPIDEST stuff! Don’t mean too…just do.
V: Tsss. I’ve seen a lot of more stupid people.
El: The first time I ever met Cat…I sat on her! Didn’t mean to…just did. The first time I ever met Dade, I sat on him. So you are lucky that I have not sat on you yet.
V: Uh.
El: Give me some time.
V: Well, it seems you learned how to sit by now.
El: No…..not really…
V laughs.
El: I still have trouble with placement….lol
V: Aww.
El: It’s ok…if your slow…nobody expects anything from you !
V: Uhm…by the way, I couldn’t resist and put up the bar.
El: You put it up?
V: Well, yes.
El: OMG!
V: I do hope it’s like Cat wanted it.
El: Well…I like it… and that is all that matters
Cat: Omg…wow!
V laughs.
V: Well, I just wanted to see how it looks.
Cat: The TV can go here… and the music…
Cat: Omg El is invisible!
V: She is? Not to me. She’s just burning her fingers.
Cat: For me yes…
El: Your all that matters V…:)
V laughs.
V: Aww, thank you.
Cat: let me relog.
El: That is kinda like when I saw you sitting sideways by the records… It was weird that no one else saw it. You can hold a pose well…lol
V: Yes, I had 10 years of zen training in holding poses.
El: Special German technique I suppose.
V: Better now, Cat?
El: Hey little kitty!
Cat: Yes much…thanks.
El: See me now?
Cat: Yes.
El: You wouldn’t want to miss any of my antics.
V laughs.
El: Afraid to get that suit dirty V??
V: Actually yes.
El: Crybaby!
V: Tsss.
Cat: lol
El: Don’t you have a bathing suit for HIM cat???
Cat: Ok, any request for the tv?
El: You KNOW what I watch!
Cat: No not porn, Sis!
V laughs.
El: I have class in 10 minutes.
V: Aww.
Cat is sitting on sofa swaying head and singing so loud the neighbors can hear.
Cat: LOL
El: You will HAVE to take the liquor from her!
Cat: lol… love your outfit!
El: TY…:)
El: I am off to class.
Cat: Ok… have fun and learn how to script…so you can script for me.
El: It was really nice to meet you.
V: See you, El.
El: …:)
Cat: love you sis