El Firecaster

Fire from Within

At the Edge of the World

Posted By on July 30, 2010 in All, Tracked Daily | 0 comments

She stood beside him at the edge of the world. It was most glorious. The morning sun shone thru the fog illuminating the water below. Was it water? Were those stars? Were these clouds or was it fog? She could feel the magic here. It was almost electric. And here she was, standing in this mystical place in the arms of the man she loved more than any other. Somehow when she was with him nothing else mattered. There was no fear, there was no apprehension, no tension…it was as though his mere presence elevated her above all that. And when she heard him say “It will be good.” she KNEW it would be. She gently placed her hand against his beating heart, feeling the soft rise and fall of his chest and KNEW that ii could be nothing else.

She walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down. She was uncertain what exactly lay below them, but she was not afraid. She turned around and watched him building, piece by piece. She loved to watch him build and see the way his mind worked. It was amazing to SEE the things he spoke of come to life…and often when she watched him build she felt like it must be a LITTLE like watching God create the world. It was not SO different. He had given us the ability to be like Him after all…it was just that some of us were MORE like Him than others. And as she watched this world form, she could not help but think that he WAS very much like Him.

Perhaps that was why it was so easy for her to love him the way she did. She loved him “as unto the Lord”. It was no stretch for her. He was everything to her that God was to be to His bride. He provided for her, he protected her, he taught her and even gently “scolded” her when she needed it…and yes…she did need it occasionally. AND he loved her more than his own life. He was SOOO good to her. But there was one aspect in which he was very different…he did not ask for…even abhorred…her worship of him. And so she TRIED to keep that quiet….TRIED not to make it very evident, but it was hard…especially at moments like this.

She tried not to think of what their lives would have been like if they had been allowed to start them together…as they had done so many times in the past…but she could not help but wonder if perhaps she would not feel so disconnected. She could only wonder what it would have been like to be loved and cherished and to “grow up” in his arms. The thoughts of it always invoked the feelings she felt when she thought of her childhood. It was such a wonderful environment in which to grow. He had told her she would “fly” again. Looking out over the great expanse, watching her lover create a new world, she knew it was true. She would fly again. By his side she would fly to worlds and universes unknown and yet to come.

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