There are so many things that you say that stay with me, love. Sometimes I wonder if you really realize what an impact your words have on me. Sometimes you may say things that others have said a million times before, but when they come from your lips, they somehow impact me the way that no other can.
“That’s what we do. We are a couple” I remember the first time you said this to me…and I could not believe it. I WOULD not let myself believe it. I told myself for a long time…”He means we are partnered in SL.” I WOULD not accept it for what it was. I was SO afraid that what I THOUGHT you meant by it, what I WANTED it to mean, was just some kind of dream that would never come true. I was wrong. It DID mean what I thought it meant…and we ARE a couple. I can say that and accept it now.
“Remember who we are.” Once again…I thought we were just a fantasy that I had dreamed up inside my head. It took me quite a while to REALLY remember who we are. And once I did, I vowed that I would never forget again. Now I KNOW that our love has existed far longer than this life…and will exist for many more to come. There are times that I am still surprised by a “memory”…by a vague sense of lives gone by. But I DO remember who and WHAT we are.
“Immer” I know we have both made promises of lasting love to others before and really meant it at the time. I am just not sure that we really knew what “Immer” meant. I think that once we knew who we were…then “Immer” was just a simple way to express what we had finally realized…we were together from the foundation…and we always would be…..ever.
“Mein Liebste/Liebster” Those words were totally foreign to me a few months ago and now they are some of the sweetest words I know. Those along with “sweetness, lovely, and wife are some of the sweetest things I know.
“I love you, ***” Of course, I think these are the most life changing. When I heard you say that you loved ME…not an avatar…not a picture on a screen…not an image, but ME….my life began the transformation that has led me to where I am today.
“Vanish Firecaster smiles” It is STILL my most favorite thing I see each time you log on. There is something about it that is SO comforting. To know that I can bring you ANY kind of joy or happiness means the world to me and to see it each time we meet, causes a calm to come over me and start to relax me, no matter what my day may have been like.
“You are most wonderful.” I always wonder what is going through your mind when you say this to me. It seems that you always say it at a time when all I have done is touch you and try to express my love for you. It hardly seems a great feat…it is just a natural expression of what I am feeling. But when you say it, I know that you have felt what I am trying to convey and it makes me happy.
“Just let me love you.” Most of the time when you say this it is after I have made some silly remark to try to cover up my nervousness. You know all the things that concern me, you know how I feel and yet…when I hear you say this…there is almost the sound of a desperate plea behind it and it makes me stop and realize what it really means! It is the WAY you say it that impacts me the most. The urgency in your voice, the NEED to make me understand. It stops me in my tracks every time and makes me feel selfish for ever having pushed you to that point, even though I never meant to. It reminds me of what “unconditional love” is. That is a term that is thrown around SO loosely sometimes. It is so easily said that it has somehow LOST its true meaning, but when you say “Just let me love you, ***.” I know that those are the most valuable words ever spoken. They are spoken from a wise, sincere heart. A heart that is not just running off on a whim, but one that KNOWS the true meaning of love and is willing to make the sacrifices to keep it.
There are so many more things that you say to me that the list could go on and on. But these are a few of my favorites. I am sure as time goes by, there will be many more that I will add to it. Please know that your words are not taken lightly, that I DO hear each one…and that they reach deep into my heart and soul, just as they were meant to, and each one draws me ever closer to you…to home.
FOREVER….your adoring “other”……D