Good morning, my husband. I was looking through my music and came across this. It is one of the first songs you shared with me. It is funny…I remember at the time thinking how apropo it was…and now when I look at it…it is even MORE appropriate now than it was then. Could it be that all meetings are destined to be…and that all of our roads were leading to the one that finally brought us together? How many worlds have we explored? How many more are to come? And finally, love…we have held each other, until our world is real. I know it has always been real for us, but now, we will cross the final bridge….the one that has kept us separated all this time. When we started this we agreed to cross one at a time….and it is amazing to me where it has led. I never thought it would be here, I never LET myself dream of it. I had pretty much resigned myself to at least one world without you. I had learned to be content, knowing that even at that, I still had more than most would ever know. And now, here we are…the countdown has begun…less than a month and all of our longings will be realized. Yes, I am afraid. But I would NEVER let that stop me from what I know is rightfully mine. We have done this before, we will do it again. This is our world, we love it here…it is ours to explore and find the beauty in together, you and me against a world of pain and suffering, traveling into a world of beauty….OUR world.
You and Me Against a World of Pain by Phideaux
Well it could be all roads eventually
And it could be meetings are destined to be
Well it could be
Well it could be there’s nothing new in these stars
And it could be I’ll stay wherever you are
Well it could be you and me against a world of pain
And it could be I’ll smile beside you in the rain
Well it could be a new world right out the door
It could be all that for us to explore
All storms are beautiful, all fall you down my way
All raging beautiful. Gaze upon you, when I saw you
Heart what have you strayed? Waiting for you,
Will adore you – Come, twister stay
All storms are beautiful
Hold me ‘til I feel the world is real
Always so beautiful
Feast upon me, lips upon me tear me from the floor
Whip right thru me, wind consume me
There is only more
Will it be you? You against them
[2009/09/20 14:09] V takes her over to the chair.
El kisses him.
El: I remember this chair!
V smiles.
V: I love it.
El: It was the first place we made love.
V: Yes. On the upper deck.
El: Yes!
V: It all felt so natural with you. So…easy. Unafraid.
El: I know…it was SO BEAUTIFUL!
V: It always is.
El: Yes… it is. It is always AMAZING! I remember laying here, in your lap… barely able to believe it! I even remember what I was wearing!
V: Uhm. I forgot.
El giggles.
V: Oh, right!
El: It was SO amazing… and has been everyday since
V: I love the view here.
El kisses him softly
V: You can see the bridge.
El: It is lovely, V!
El kisses his forehead
V: I know, love. All is beautiful with you.
El runs her fingers thru his hair, kissing his eyes… his nose… his soft lips.
V holds her tight.
El: Where are you V???
V sinks back into the chair.
V: I’m sitting on the banks of…the rivers…of time…with my love in my arms…feeling her kisses.
El kisses him softly on the lips.
V: That’s where I am.
El breathes deeply.
El: I love you, my husband.
V: I love you, my wife. I love you more than anything. More than life.