Summer Colds….you have to hate them! Is there anything worse? Ok…so there are worse things…but as I sit here and try to type with my ears stopped up and aching, my nose pouring like a faucet and my eyes feeling crossed and watery….I have to wonder. But I have so many things to be grateful for that hate to complain too much. One of them, is you, love! You are SO good to me, my precious husband. You are always so kind and considerate. And you can always find a way to make me laugh. I am STILL laughing from our conversations earlier and have a feeling that it will bring me MANY hours of future entertainment!
I hate that I seem to plagued with some type of discomfort all the time. I hope it does not wear you out, love…but please know that the needs that we both share will not be neglected during those times. You have no idea how much better it makes me feel to have you hold me and be with me. I am…as you created me to be….totally…completely…yours. I can hear the concern in your voice, love when you tell me “there will be many things you will have to get used to.” I know it worries you a little…and yes…I know they are there…and yes they concern me too. But I truly believe that as long as I am returned to you that all will be ok…and we may be surprised that the transformation will not be as hard as we anticipate. We have learned and changed and adapted to MANY different lifetimes and styles and tribulations during our existence. We have survived them all. I am sure we will again. And while I am not oblivious to the difficulties that I will need to overcome and that WE will be facing…I am also aware of the need to be with you…to finally be complete and the security and comfort that will afford. So I will GLADLY trade one for the other.
I am sorry I kept you up so late, darling. I hope you slept well….and that you have a wonderful day. Please know my waking thoughts of you…and my sleep…well…as always…my dreams will be of you, my master and lover.
Until I am in your arms again….”Carrie”